วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Christmas Day

Christmas Day

        Christmas Day, on December 25 which is one of the most festive Christian holidays in many countries around the world and earn it celebrates Jesus' birth, who Christians believe is the son of God.
        The celebration of the Christmas starts in the Christians about four weeks before the Christmas and ends on the 12th day of the Christmas. During that day, the activity that Christians have to do, such as decorating a Christmas tree and meeting for giving gifts.
The decorating a Christmas tree,people enjoy decorating their houses with the Christmas tree in the centre of the house. They load the Christmas tree with lots of gift items such as chocolates, candies, balloons, dolls, birds, flowers, lights to make it bright and beautiful.
        The meeting, people enjoy a big dinner party called feast. They prepare lots of delicious dishes, such as sweets, fruits, nuts on the dining table. Everyone wear colourful dress, dance, sing, party and enjoy doing other adventurous activities. Everyone wishes each other by the quote of “Merry Christmas” and go to another’s house to exchange wishes and gifts.
        Christmas is a religious and cultural Christian festival celebrated annually to commemorate the birthday of Jesus Christ.

Place Describing

V. ing

- A dog is sleeping while everyone is doing the activity.
- ‎Gail is talking on the phone with her boyfriend.
- ‎Walter and Maria are playing the toys together merrily.

V. ed
-  The Newspaper read by Dad. 
- ‎ The bookshelf organized in disorder. 
- ‎ The computer searched by Mom.

My favorite place.

My favorite place.

        The beach is the favorite place that I always like to spend my time there, especially on vacation during the summer. I still remember the time I went to Ko Lan in Pattaya, which is a normally quiet and peaceful place. I like to sit under the coconut tree at the seaside. And then I saw the birds in the sky flying come back to home, saw the sun set the beach. In addition, I smelt the fresh salty air, and hear the sound of waves crashing on the shore. It makes me feel relaxed. Finally, this place, I love it more than anyplace. l never get tired of looking at the beautiful, bright blue sea. I will go back again one day