วันอาทิตย์ที่ 10 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2560

Special person for me

Special person for me

         This picture is special person for me, They are the best friends.
The first person who is on the left hand, Beam is a chunky girl from Kanchanaburi. She has a short straight hair, round face and quite fair complexion. Beam is a very confident person in herself. For example, She think that she is a very pretty. In addition, she is also a punctual person she never come late in class

The next person is Ger, he is a handsome man from Nakhon Pathom. He has a tanned complexion, a square face and a big mole above a right eyebrow. Ger is playful, friendly and also study so well. With playfulness, so he has lots of friends. In addition, his talent is singing and dancing. we like him to dance in front of the class. It make us smile.

And the last person who is the right hand, Tangkwa is a attractive girl from Ratchaburi. she has a skinny build and a tanned complexion. she is cheerful and a very responsible person. For example, every time she gets a job assignment. She will do finish right away.

5 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. That is me! lol
    You don't have a conclusion and quite short, so I'll give you 8 points.

  2. That’s it Viva! I love this passage so much. Thanks for using my handsome face ;)
    This point for my smart face. Just kidding! For your work 9.5 points :)

  3. That's the good one! So you can practice more in order to improve more paragraph writing skill. I'll give you 9 points of this story.

  4. Nice one! In the final part is still short but it's ok. My 9.5 points are for you my friend.

  5. The content is okay! But there is some mistake of the sentences in the passage. For example, "She think that..." should be "She thinks that...". So, I will give you 8 points.
